Data Acquisition and Exploratory Data Analysis

Fall 2024

M/W 12:05 - 1:25, 2115 PEARSON

Instructor: Wangqian (Will) Ju, wju at iastate dot edu

Office Hours: MW 1:30-2:30 Snedecor 1205

TA: Olivia Frazier, ofrazier at iastate dot edu

Office Hours: TR 10:00-11:00 Snedecor 2404

Supposedly. …

Course description:

Not all data lives in nice, clean spreadsheets, not all data fits in a computer's main memory. But all data contains interesting stories for us to find. We will discuss how to read and work with data in different formats: flat files, databases, web technologies. It is important to keep ethical aspects in mind when accessing and working with data. Elements of literate programming help us with making our workflow transparent and analyses reproducible. Data summaries, both numerically and graphically, help us gain insight into the data. We will discuss good practices of data visualizations. Communication of results happens in form of reports and interactive web applications.

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