Tammar Wallabies

This is an open book, open note exam. You have 70 mins of time to submit your answers to the questions. I expect you to adhere to academic integrity, i.e. all of the work shown is your own. Do not solicit, accept or give any direct or indirect help on the questions from or to anyone.

Please be aware that during that you will have to sign off on the following statement during the submission process:

I affirm that the work on this exam is my own and I will not use any outside sources or people to help me nor will I share any part of this exam or my work with others without permission of the instructor.

For the following questions we are going to investigate growth of Tammar Wallabies. Wallabies look like small kangaroos and are in the same family of marsupials as kangoroos. They are native to Australia and New Guinea.

The picture was taken in an Australian petting zoo. Do not feed wild animals :)

The data was provided by Dr Jeff Wood, CSIRO, Canberra:

wallabies <- read.table("http://www.statsci.org/data/oz/wallaby.txt", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep="\t", header=TRUE)
##   Anim Sex Loca Leng Head Ear Arm Leg Pes Tail Weight Age
## 1   45   1    G   NA  123  NA  59  69  59   93     NA  14
## 2   45   1    G   NA  178  54  90 120  92  185     NA  28
## 3   45   1    G   NA  250  92 130 210 142  307     NA  49
## 4   45   1    G   NA  324 108 174 284 205  454    290  69
## 5   45   1    G   NA  369 129 198 340 257  568    410  83
## 6   45   1    G   NA  408 155 237 411 308  648    570  97

Most body measurements are taken in (tenths of) millmeters.

Variable Description Variable Description
Anim animal identifier Arm length of arm
Sex 1 = male, 2 = female Leg length of leg
Loca location of animal Pes length of foot
Leng length of animal (tenths of a millimiter) Tail length of tail
Head length of head Weight weight (in tenths of a gram)
Ear length of ear Age age in days from birth

Provide code for all of your answers.

Question 1: getting an overview of the data

  • How many observations are there in total?
  • The variables Anim, Sex, and Loca should be encoded as factor variables. Make sure they are.
  • Which measurements have the largest/fewest numbers of missing values? Use ggplot2 to draw a scatterplot of length of head by age. Color points by sex. Describe the relationship(s) in three to four sentences.
  • How many different animals were observed? How many non-missing measurements of head length are there on average for each animal?
  • Do animals change locations often? Check that only animal 125 is observed in two different locations. For animal 125 plot head length by age, color by location. Describe. Exclude the likely outlier from further consideration.
  • Plot a barchart of the number of animals in each location (not the number of times an animal was observed there). Order locations from most animals to least.
# your code goes here

# don't forget to write comments

Question 2: finding oddities

Consider the visualization below

There are two sets of arrows pointing towards ‘odd’ values.

  • Describe what is ‘odd’ about the values the grey arrows point to. Identify the animals with these observations. Filter on them and draw the above plot for just these animals. Describe your finding(s). Draw a plot for these animals using age and head length. Compare and describe.

  • The blue arrows point to three blue points surrounded by red values. Identify the animal(s) with these observations. Draw the above plot of this/these animal(s) in a different color on top of all female wallabies. Are these females just heavy? Draw a similarly structured plot of leg length by age. Does your previous conclusion hold?

# your code goes here

Question 3: Next!

Introduce variable N into the wallabies data that consists of the number of times an animal has been observed (regardless of missing values).

  • How many animals were observed at least 15 times?
  • Which animal was observed most often? What else do we know about the animal? Describe three features.
  • Introduce a variable Next into the wallabies data that contains the number of days until the next time the animal is observed. For the last observation, include a value of NA for Next.
  • What is the average time (in days) between observations? Plot a histogram of Next with a binwidth of one week. Describe the plot in 2-3 sentences.
# Your code goes here