Liquor Sales in Iowa
This dataset contains the spirits purchase information of Iowa Class
“E” liquor licensees by product and date of purchase from January 1,
2017 to current. The dataset can be used to analyze total spirits sales
in Iowa of individual products at the store level.
For all of the questions use functionality from the
whenever possible.
- Download the RMarkdown file with these homework instructions to use
as a template for your work. Make sure to replace “Your Name” in the
YAML with your name.
- The code below downloads the data from the Iowa Portal and saves a
local copy to your machine. The first time you run this code, make sure
you have a good internet connection and enough space on your machine
(~50 MB). If the local copy exists, re-knitting the file will load the
(binary) file from disk and be much faster.
if (!file.exists("ames-liquor.rds")) {
url <- ""
download.file(url, "ames-liquor.rds", mode="wb")
data <- readRDS("ames-liquor.rds")
- Quick fact overview (2 pts):
- how many observations are in
- how many different cities are in the data? (Variable
, careful, trick question!)
- different stores: how many different stores are in the data? Check
first with
Store Name
, then with Store Number
Discuss differences (give an example), and then answer the question of
how many different stores are in the data set.
- Data cleaning (3 pts):
- extract geographic latitude and longitude from the variable
Store Location
- check variable types. Pick five variables that need to be converted
to a different type and fix those.
- use the package
to convert the
variable to a date. Then extract year, month and day
from the variable Date
- First overview: (2 pts)
- Plot a scatterplot of lat and long of store locations.
- Provide a visual breakdown of the liquor category (by
Category Name
). Include volume sold in the breakdown. Make
sure that all labels are readable.
- (3 pts) Find the daily liquor sales in Ames in 2021: summarize
number of sales, volume of liquor sold and amount of money spent. Plot
volume sold by day (use a scatterplot of volume by day and facet by
month). Describe any patterns. Find the dates for ISU football home
games in Fall 2021. Can you see a pattern? Describe your finding.
Note: your submission is supposed to be fully reproducible (1 pts),
i.e. the TA and I will ‘knit’ your submission in RStudio.
For the submission: submit your solution in an R Markdown file and
(just for insurance) submit the corresponding html (or Word) file with