class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ # DS 202 - lab #1: let’s get gitting! ] .author[ ### Will Ju ] --- # Overview In this activity we are going to practice how to collaborate using Github and RStudio. With your team members you will work on sharing and editing files on Github. ![]( --- # Getting Ready 1. Identify your team! Go to Canvas and find out which team you are in for Lab 1. 2. If you are participating remotely, find your teammates via Slack / email. You can use any platform for collaboration that works for you all (Microsoft Teams, discord, WebEx, Zoom, etc) If you are in the classroom, find the other members of your team and sit with them. 3. Introduce yourself to each other. 4. Go to and follow the instructions. In case of questions: if you are on zoom, you can leave the breakout room and ask a question. In the classroom make yourself noticed :) --- # Step-by Step 1. Accept the link to Github Classroom shared in the announcement/slack/chat. - This link will ask you to log in to github. Select your name from the list by clicking on it. <!--> - Check if your team number already exists - if it does, join the team with the right number. If it doesn't exist yet, create it yourself. 2. Overall aim of this lab: - Follow the step-by-step instructions in [Chapter 12 of Happy git with R](, use the lab #1 repo as the test repo. **Note: don't do the last step. DO NOT delete the repo!** - Describe your experience: make a note of each step. In case you run into a problem, describe it and the error message. As a group try to solve the problem. Write up the solution. - Collect all of your experiences and make it into one cohesive document. Use the README.Rmd file of the lab-1 repo for this document, i.e. there should be a list of all steps in Chapter 12, followed by a description of all the errors you encountered and your solutions. --- # Grading & Submission **Grading:** We expect equal contributions from all members in a team. For the grading we will make use of the github commit history to verify that everybody contributed. **Submission:** All submissions to the github repo will be automatically uploaded for grading once the due date is passed. Submit a link to your repository on Canvas (only one submission per team) to signal to the instructors that you are done with your submission. Due date: You have time until Monday at 11:59 pm to submit final edits to the README.Rmd file. Make sure that the file knits.